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Documentation / @discordeno/bot / DiscordTeamMemberRole

Enumeration: DiscordTeamMemberRole

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discord/teams.d.ts:3

Enumeration Members


Admin: "admin"

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discord/teams.d.ts:7

Admins have similar access as owners, except they cannot take destructive actions on the team or team-owned apps.


Developer: "developer"

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discord/teams.d.ts:13

Developers can access information about team-owned apps, like the client secret or public key. They can also take limited actions on team-owned apps, like configuring interaction endpoints or resetting the bot token. Members with the Developer role cannot manage the team or its members, or take destructive actions on team-owned apps.


Owner: "owner"

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discord/teams.d.ts:5

Owners are the most permissiable role, and can take destructive, irreversible actions like deleting the team itself. Teams are limited to 1 owner.


ReadOnly: "read_only"

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discord/teams.d.ts:15

Read-only members can access information about a team and any team-owned apps. Some examples include getting the IDs of applications and exporting payout records.