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Documentation / @discordeno/bot / ModifyGuildMember

Interface: ModifyGuildMember

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1293



optional channelId: null | BigString

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1303

Id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice). Requires the MOVE_MEMBERS permission


optional communicationDisabledUntil: null | string

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1305

When the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able to communicate in the guild again (up to 28 days in the future), set to null to remove timeout. Requires the MODERATE_MEMBERS permission. The date must be given in a ISO string form.


optional deaf: null | boolean

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1301

Whether the user is deafened in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel. Requires the MOVE_MEMBERS permission


optional flags: number

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1307

Set the flags for the guild member. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD or MANAGE_ROLES or the combination of MODERATE_MEMBERS and KICK_MEMBERS and BAN_MEMBERS


optional mute: null | boolean

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1299

Whether the user is muted in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel. Requires the MUTE_MEMBERS permission


optional nick: null | string

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1295

Value to set users nickname to. Requires the MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission


optional roles: null | BigString[]

Defined in: packages/types/dist/types/discordeno.d.ts:1297

Array of role ids the member is assigned. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission