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Documentation / @discordeno/bot / RestManager

Interface: RestManager

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:55



addDmRecipient: (channelId, userId, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:212

Adds a recipient to a group DM.




The ID of the group dm to add the user to.



The user ID of the user to add to the group dm.



The options for adding the user




Requires an OAuth2 access token with the gdm.join scope



addGuildMember: (guildId, userId, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:228

Adds a member to a guild.




The ID of the thread to add the member to.



The user ID of the member to add to the thread.



The options for the add of a guild member




Requires the bot to be in the specified server Requires an OAuth2 access token with the guilds.join scope

Fires a Guild Member Add gateway event.



addReaction: (channelId, messageId, reaction) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:149

Adds a reaction to a message.




The ID of the channel the message to add a reaction to is in.



The ID of the message to add a reaction to.



The reaction to add to the message.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

If nobody else has reacted to the message:

  • Requires the ADD_REACTIONS permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Add gateway event.



addReactions: (channelId, messageId, reactions, ordered?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:168

Adds multiple a reaction to a message.

This function uses the addReaction() helper behind the scenes.




The ID of the channel the message to add reactions to is in.



The ID of the message to add the reactions to.



The reactions to add to the message.



Whether the reactions must be added in order or not.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

If nobody else has reacted to the message:

  • Requires the ADD_REACTIONS permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Add gateway event for every reaction added.


addRole: (guildId, userId, roleId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:184

Adds a role to a member.




The ID of the guild the member to add the role to is in.



The user ID of the member to add the role to.



The ID of the role to add to the member.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Member Update gateway event.



addThreadMember: (channelId, userId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:199

Adds a member to a thread.




The ID of the thread to add the member to.



The user ID of the member to add to the thread.




Requires the ability to send messages in the thread. Requires the thread not be archived.

Fires a Thread Members Update gateway event.



applicationId: bigint

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:59

The application id. Normally this is not required for recent bots but old bot's application id is sometimes different from the bot id so it is required for those bots.


optional authorization: string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:75

The authorization header value to attach when sending requests to the proxy.


authorizationHeader: string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:77

The authorization header name to attach when sending requests to the proxy


banMember: (guildId, userId, options?, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2560

Bans a user from a guild.




The ID of the guild to ban the user from.



The ID of the user to ban from the guild.



The parameters for the creation of the ban.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Fires a Guild Ban Add gateway event.



baseUrl: string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:67

The base url to connect to. If you create a proxy rest, that url would go here. IT SHOULD NOT END WITH A /



bulkBanMembers: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ bannedUsers: string[]; failedUsers: string[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2577

Bans up to 200 users from a guild.




The ID of the guild to ban the users from.



The users to ban and the other options for the ban.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ bannedUsers: string[]; failedUsers: string[]; }>


Requires the BAN_MEMBERS and MANAGE_GUILD permissions.

If all provided users fail to be banned, discord will respond with an error (code: 500000: Failed to ban users)

Fires as many Guild Ban Add gateway events as many user where banned.



changeToDiscordFormat: (obj) => any

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:106

Reshapes and modifies the obj as needed to make it ready for discords api.







checkRateLimits: (url, identifier) => number | false

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:103

Check the rate limits for a url or a bucket.







number | false


consumeEntitlement: (applicationId, entitlementId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2832

For One-Time Purchase consumable SKUs, marks a given entitlement for the user as consumed. The entitlement will have consumed: true when using List Entitlements




The id of the application to get the entitlement



The id of the entitlement to get




createApplicationEmoji: (options) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:291

Creates an emoji for the application.




The parameters for the creation of the emoji.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of the created DiscordEmoji.



createAutomodRule: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:244

Creates an automod rule in a guild.




The ID of the guild to create the rule in.



The parameters for the creation of the rule.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

An instance of the created DiscordAutoModerationRule.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Create gateway event.



createBaseHeaders: () => Record<string, string>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:99

Allows the user to inject custom headers that will be sent with every request.


Record<string, string>


createChannel: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:264

Creates a channel within a guild.




The ID of the guild to create the channel within.



The parameters for the creation of the channel.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of the created DiscordChannel.


Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

If setting permission overwrites, only the permissions the bot user has in the guild can be allowed or denied.

Setting the MANAGE_ROLES permission is only possible for guild administrators.

Fires a Channel Create gateway event.



createEmoji: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:282

Creates an emoji in a guild.




The ID of the guild in which to create the emoji.



The parameters for the creation of the emoji.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of the created DiscordEmoji.


Requires the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.

Emojis have a maximum file size of 256 kilobits. Attempting to upload a larger emoji will cause the route to return 400 Bad Request.

Fires a Guild Emojis Update gateway event.



createForumThread: (channelId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:308

Creates a new thread in a forum channel or media channel, and sends a message within the created thread.




The ID of the forum channel to create the thread within.



The parameters for the creation of the thread.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of DiscordChannel with a nested DiscordChannel object.


Requires the CREATE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Thread Create gateway event. Fires a Message Create gateway event.



createGlobalApplicationCommand: (command, options?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:326

Creates an application command accessible globally; across different guilds and channels.




The command to create.



Additional options for the endpoint


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordApplicationCommand.


⚠️ Creating a command with the same name as an existing command for your application will overwrite the old command. ⚠️ Global commands once created are cached for periods of an hour, so changes made to existing commands will take an hour to surface. ⚠️ You can only create up to 200 new commands daily.

When using the bearer token the token needs the applications.commands.update scope and must be a Client grant token. You will be able to update only your own application commands



createGuild: (options) => Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:340

Creates a guild.




The parameters for the creation of the guild.


Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

An instance of the created DiscordGuild.


⚠️ This route can only be used by bots in fewer than 10 guilds.

Fires a Guild Create gateway event.



createGuildApplicationCommand: (command, guildId, options?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:358

Creates an application command only accessible in a specific guild.




The command to create.



The ID of the guild to create the command for.



Additional options for the endpoint


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordApplicationCommand.


⚠️ Creating a command with the same name as an existing command for your application will overwrite the old command. ⚠️ You can only create up to 200 new commands daily.

When using the bearer token the token needs the applications.commands.update scope and must be a Client grant token. You will be able to update only your own application commands



createGuildFromTemplate: (templateCode, options) => Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:373

Creates a guild from a template.




The code of the template.



The parameters for the creation of the guild.


Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

An instance of the created DiscordGuild.


⚠️ This route can only be used by bots in fewer than 10 guilds.

Fires a Guild Create gateway event.



createGuildSoundboardSound: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2898

Create a new soundboard sound for the guild.




The guild to create the sounds in



The options to create the sound



The audit log reason


Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>


Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Create Gateway event.

Requires the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.


createGuildSticker: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:389

Create a new sticker for the guild.




The ID of the guild to get





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

A DiscordSticker


Requires the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event. Every guilds has five free sticker slots by default, and each Boost level will grant access to more slots. Lottie stickers can only be uploaded on guilds that have either the VERIFIED and/or the PARTNERED guild feature.



createGuildTemplate: (guildId, options) => Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:404

Creates a template from a guild.




The ID of the guild to create the template from.



The parameters for the creation of the template.


Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

An instance of the created DiscordTemplate.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



createInvite: (channelId, options?, reason?) => Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; channel: null | { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; code: string; expiresAt: null | string; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildScheduledEvent: { channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }; inviter: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; stageInstance: { members: object[]; participantCount: number; speakerCount: number; topic: string; }; targetApplication: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; targetType: TargetTypes; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: DiscordInviteType; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:423

Creates an invite to a channel in a guild.




The ID of the channel to create the invite to.



The parameters for the creation of the invite.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; channel: null | { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; code: string; expiresAt: null | string; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildScheduledEvent: { channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }; inviter: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; stageInstance: { members: object[]; participantCount: number; speakerCount: number; topic: string; }; targetApplication: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; targetType: TargetTypes; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: DiscordInviteType; }>

An instance of the created DiscordInvite.


Requires the CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission.

Fires an Invite Create gateway event.



createRequestBody: (method, options?) => RequestBody

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:108

Creates the request body and headers that are necessary to send a request. Will handle different types of methods and everything necessary for discord.









createRole: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:439

Creates a role in a guild.




The ID of the guild to create the role in.



The parameters for the creation of the role.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordRole.


Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Role Create gateway event.



createScheduledEvent: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:457

Creates a scheduled event in a guild.




The ID of the guild to create the scheduled event in.



The parameters for the creation of the scheduled event.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

An instance of the created DiscordScheduledEvent.


Requires the MANAGE_EVENTS permission.

A guild can only have a maximum of 100 events with a status of ScheduledEventStatus.Active or ScheduledEventStatus.Scheduled (inclusive).

Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Create gateway event.



createStageInstance: (options, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:472

Creates a stage instance associated with a stage channel.




The parameters for the creation of the stage instance.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordStageInstance.


Requires the user to be a moderator of the stage channel.

Fires a Stage Instance Create gateway event.



createTestEntitlement: (applicationId, body) => Promise<Partial<{ applicationId: string; consumed: boolean; deleted: boolean; endsAt: null | string; guildId: string; id: string; skuId: string; startsAt: null | string; type: DiscordEntitlementType; userId: string; }>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2818

Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user. Discord will act as though that user or guild has entitlement to your premium offering.




The id of the application to create the entitlement



The options for new entitlement


Promise<Partial<{ applicationId: string; consumed: boolean; deleted: boolean; endsAt: null | string; guildId: string; id: string; skuId: string; startsAt: null | string; type: DiscordEntitlementType; userId: string; }>>


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity.


createWebhook: (channelId, options, reason?) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:490

Creates a webhook.




The ID of the channel to create the webhook in.



The parameters for the creation of the webhook.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.



An instance of the created DiscordWebhook.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.

⚠️ The webhook name must not contain the substrings 'clyde', or 'discord' (case-insensitive).

Fires a Webhooks Update gateway event.



delete: (url, options?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:128

Make a delete request to the api.





Omit<MakeRequestOptions, "body">




deleteApplicationEmoji: (id) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:570

Deletes an emoji from the application.




The ID of the emoji to delete.





deleteAutomodRule: (guildId, ruleId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:505

Deletes an automod rule.




The ID of the guild to delete the rule from.



The ID of the automod rule to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Delete gateway event.



deleteChannel: (channelId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:531

Deletes a channel from within a guild.




The ID of the channel to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.





For community guilds, the Rules, Guidelines and Community Update channels cannot be deleted.

If the channel is a thread:

  • Requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission.

  • Fires a Thread Delete gateway event.


  • Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

  • ⚠️ Deleting a category channel does not delete its child channels. Instead, they will have their parent_id property removed, and a Channel Update gateway event will fire for each of them.

  • Fires a Channel Delete gateway event.



deleteChannelPermissionOverride: (channelId, overwriteId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:546

Deletes a permission override for a user or role in a channel.




The ID of the channel to delete the permission override of.



The ID of the permission override to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Channel Update gateway event.



deleteEmoji: (guildId, id, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:562

Deletes an emoji from a guild.




The ID of the guild from which to delete the emoji.



The ID of the emoji to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




For emojis created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other emojis, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.

Fires a Guild Emojis Update gateway event.



deleteFollowupMessage: (token, messageId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:584

Deletes a follow-up message to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The ID of the message to delete.




Unlike deleteMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without needing to see the channel the message is in.

Fires a Message Delete event.



deleteGlobalApplicationCommand: (commandId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:592

Deletes an application command registered globally.




The ID of the command to delete.





deleteGuild: (guildId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:605

Deletes a guild.




The ID of the guild to delete.




The bot user must be the owner of the guild.

Fires a Guild Delete gateway event.



deleteGuildApplicationCommand: (commandId, guildId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:614

Deletes an application command registered in a guild.




The ID of the command to delete from the guild.



The ID of the guild to delete the command from.





deleteGuildSoundboardSound: (guildId, soundId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2927

Delete the given soundboard sound.




The guild to create the sounds in



The sound id to delete



The audit log reason




Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Delete Gateway event.

For sounds created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other sounds, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.


deleteGuildSticker: (guildId, stickerId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:631

Delete a new sticker for the guild.




The ID of the guild to get





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.



A DiscordSticker


For stickers created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other stickers, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event. Every guilds has five free sticker slots by default, and each Boost level will grant access to more slots. Lottie stickers can only be uploaded on guilds that have either the VERIFIED and/or the PARTNERED guild feature.



deleteGuildTemplate: (guildId, templateCode) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:645

Deletes a template from a guild.




The ID of the guild to delete the template from.



The code of the template to delete.




Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



deleteIntegration: (guildId, integrationId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:663

Deletes an integration attached to a guild.




The ID of the guild from which to delete the integration.



The ID of the integration to delete from the guild.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Deletes all webhooks associated with the integration, and kicks the associated bot if there is one.

Fires a Guild Integrations Update gateway event. Fires a Integration Delete gateway event.



deleteInvite: (inviteCode, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:677

Deletes an invite to a channel.




The invite code of the invite to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

Fires an Invite Delete gateway event.



deleteMessage: (channelId, messageId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:693

Deletes a message from a channel.




The ID of the channel to delete the message from.



The ID of the message to delete from the channel.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




If not deleting own message:

  • Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Message Delete gateway event.



deleteMessages: (channelId, messageIds, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:710

Deletes multiple messages from a channel.




The ID of the channel to delete the messages from.



The IDs of the messages to delete from the channel.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

⚠️ Messages older than 2 weeks old cannot be deleted.

Fires a Message Delete Bulk gateway event.



deleteOriginalInteractionResponse: (token) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:723

Deletes the initial message response to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.




Unlike deleteMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without needing to see the channel the message is in.

Fires a Message Delete event.



deleteOwnReaction: (channelId, messageId, reaction) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:738

Deletes a reaction added by the bot user from a message.




The ID of the channel the message to delete the reaction from is in.



The ID of the message to delete the reaction from.



The reaction to delete from the message.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Remove gateway event.



deleteQueueDelay: number

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:87

The time in milliseconds to wait before deleting this queue if it is empty. Defaults to 60000(one minute).


deleteReactionsAll: (channelId, messageId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:754

Deletes all reactions for all emojis from a message.




The ID of the channel the message to delete the reactions from is in.



The ID of the message to delete the reactions from.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Remove All gateway event.



deleteReactionsEmoji: (channelId, messageId, reaction) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:771

Deletes all reactions for an emoji from a message.




The ID of the channel the message to delete the reactions from is in.



The ID of the message to delete the reactions from.



The reaction to remove from the message.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Remove Emoji gateway event.



deleteRole: (guildId, roleId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:786

Deletes a role from a guild.




The ID of the guild to delete the role from.



The ID of the role to delete.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Role Delete gateway event.



deleteScheduledEvent: (guildId, eventId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:800

Deletes a scheduled event from a guild.




The ID of the guild to delete the scheduled event from.



The ID of the scheduled event to delete.




Requires the MANAGE_EVENTS permission.

Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Delete gateway event.



deleteStageInstance: (channelId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:814

Deletes the stage instance associated with a stage channel, if one exists.




The ID of the stage channel the stage instance is associated with.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the user to be a moderator of the stage channel.

Fires a Stage Instance Delete gateway event.



deleteTestEntitlement: (applicationId, entitlementId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2825

Deletes a currently-active test entitlement. Discord will act as though that user or guild no longer has entitlement to your premium offering.




The id of the application from where delete the entitlement



The id of the entitlement to delete




deleteUserReaction: (channelId, messageId, userId, reaction) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:832

Deletes a user's reaction from a message.




The ID of the channel the message to delete the reaction from is in.



The ID of the message to delete the reaction from.



The ID of the user whose reaction to delete.



The reaction to delete from the message.




Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Message Reaction Remove gateway event.



deleteWebhook: (webhookId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:845

Deletes a webhook.




The ID of the webhook to delete.






Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.

Fires a Webhooks Update gateway event.



deleteWebhookMessage: (webhookId, token, messageId, options?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:859

Deletes a webhook message.




The ID of the webhook to delete the message belonging to.



The webhook token, used to manage the webhook.



The ID of the message to delete.



The parameters for the deletion of the message.




Fires a Message Delete gateway event.



deleteWebhookWithToken: (webhookId, token) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:871

Deletes a webhook message using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions.




The ID of the webhook to delete the message belonging to.



The webhook token, used to delete the webhook.




Fires a Message Delete gateway event.



editApplicationCommandPermissions: (guildId, commandId, bearerToken, options) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; guildId: string; id: string; permissions: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:886

Edits the permissions for a guild application command.




The ID of the guild the command is registered in.



The ID of the command to edit the permissions of.



The bearer token to use to make the request.



The parameters for the edit of the command permissions.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; guildId: string; id: string; permissions: object[]; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions.


The bearer token requires the applications.commands.permissions.update scope to be enabled, and to have access to the guild whose ID has been provided in the parameters.



editApplicationEmoji: (id, options) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1002

Edits an application emoji.




The ID of the emoji to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the emoji.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of the updated DiscordEmoji.



editApplicationInfo: (body) => Promise<{ approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1392

Edit properties of the app associated with the requesting bot user.





Promise<{ approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }>


Only properties that are passed will be updated.


editAutomodRule: (guildId, ruleId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:903

Edits an automod rule.




The ID of the guild to edit the rule in.



The ID of the rule to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the rule.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordAutoModerationRule.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Update gateway event.



editBotMember: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2591

Edits the nickname of the bot user.




The ID of the guild to edit the nickname of the bot user in.



The parameters for the edit of the nickname.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMember


Fires a Guild Member Update gateway event.



editBotProfile: (options) => Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:908

Modifies the bot's username, avatar or banner. NOTE: username: if changed may cause the bot's discriminator to be randomized.



null | string


null | string




Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>


editChannel: (channelId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:943

Edits a channel's settings.




The ID of the channel to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the channel.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordChannel.


If editing a channel of type ChannelTypes.GroupDm:

  • Fires a Channel Update gateway event.

If editing a thread channel:

  • Requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission unless if setting the archived property to false when the locked property is also false, in which case only the SEND_MESSAGES permission is required.

  • Fires a Thread Update gateway event.

If editing a guild channel:

  • Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

  • If modifying permission overrides:

    • Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

    • Only permissions the bot user has in the guild or parent channel can be allowed/denied unless the bot user has a MANAGE_ROLES permission override in the channel.

  • If modifying a channel of type ChannelTypes.GuildCategory:

    • Fires a Channel Update gateway event for each child channel impacted in this change.
  • Otherwise:

    • Fires a Channel Update gateway event.


editChannelPermissionOverrides: (channelId, options, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:960

Edits the permission overrides for a user or role in a channel.




The ID of the channel to edit the permission overrides of.



The permission override.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Only permissions the bot user has in the guild or parent channel can be allowed/denied unless the bot user has a MANAGE_ROLES permission override in the channel.

Fires a Channel Update gateway event.



editChannelPositions: (guildId, channelPositions) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:974

Edits the positions of a set of channels in a guild.




The ID of the guild in which to edit the positions of the channels.



A set of objects defining the updated positions of the channels.




Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

Fires a Channel Update gateway event for every channel impacted in this change.



editEmoji: (guildId, id, options, reason?) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:992

Edits an emoji.




The ID of the guild in which to edit the emoji.



The ID of the emoji to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the emoji.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of the updated DiscordEmoji.


For emojis created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other emojis, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.

Fires a Guild Emojis Update gateway event.



editFollowupMessage: (token, messageId, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1020

Edits a follow-up message to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The ID of the message to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMessage.


Unlike editMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without needing to see the channel the message is in.

Does not support ephemeral follow-up messages due to these being stateless.

Fires a Message Update event.



editGlobalApplicationCommand: (commandId, options) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1030

Edits a global application command.




The ID of the command to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the command.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordApplicationCommand.



editGuild: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1049

Edits a guild's settings.




The ID of the guild to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the guild.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordGuild.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

If attempting to add or remove the GuildFeatures.Community feature:

  • Requires the ADMINISTRATOR permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



editGuildApplicationCommand: (commandId, guildId, options) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1060

Edits an application command registered in a guild.




The ID of the command to edit.



The ID of the guild the command is registered in.



The parameters for the edit of the command.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordApplicationCommand.



editGuildMfaLevel: (guildId, mfaLevel, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1064

Modify a guild's MFA level. Requires guild ownership.








An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




editGuildOnboarding: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ defaultChannelIds: string[]; enabled: boolean; guildId: string; mode: DiscordGuildOnboardingMode; prompts: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2783

Modifies the onboarding configuration of the guild.




The guild to edit the onboarding from





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ defaultChannelIds: string[]; enabled: boolean; guildId: string; mode: DiscordGuildOnboardingMode; prompts: object[]; }>


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD and MANAGE_ROLES permissions.

Onboarding enforces constraints when enabled. These constraints are:

  • at least 7 default channels
  • at least 5 of the 7 channels must allow sending messages to the @everyone role

The mode field modifies what is considered when enforcing these constraints.


editGuildSticker: (guildId, stickerId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1079

Edit the given sticker.




The ID of the guild to get







An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

A DiscordSticker


For stickers created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other stickers, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event.



editGuildTemplate: (guildId, templateCode, options) => Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1095

Edits a template's settings.




The ID of the guild to edit a template of.



The code of the template to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the template.


Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordTemplate.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



editMember: (guildId, userId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2608

Edits a member's properties.




The ID of the guild to edit the member of.



The user ID of the member to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the user.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>


This endpoint requires various permissions depending on what is edited about the member. To find out the required permission to enact a change, read the documentation of this endpoint's parameters.

Fires a Guild Member Update gateway event.



editMessage: (channelId, messageId, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1113

Edits a message.




The ID of the channel to edit the message in.



The IDs of the message to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMessage.


If editing another user's message:

  • Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.
  • Only the flags property of the options object parameter can be edited.

Fires a Message Update gateway event.



editOriginalInteractionResponse: (token, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1130

Edits the initial message response to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The parameters for the edit of the response.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMessage.


Unlike editMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without needing to see the channel the message is in.

Does not support ephemeral follow-up messages due to these being stateless.

Fires a Message Update event.



editOriginalWebhookMessage: (webhookId, token, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1144

Edits the original webhook message.




The ID of the webhook to edit the original message of.



The webhook token, used to edit the message.


InteractionCallbackData & object

The parameters for the edit of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMessage.


Fires a Message Update gateway event.



editOwnVoiceState: (guildId, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1164

Edits the voice state of the bot user.




The ID of the guild in which to edit the voice state of the bot user.



The parameters for the edit of the voice state.




The channelId property of the options object parameter must point to a stage channel, and the bot user must already have joined it.

If attempting to unmute oneself:

  • Requires the MUTE_MEMBERS permission.

If attempting to request to speak:

  • Requires the REQUEST_TO_SPEAK permission.



editRole: (guildId, roleId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1181

Edits a role in a guild.




The ID of the guild to edit the role in.



The ID of the role to edit.



The parameters for the edit of the role.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordRole.


Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Role Update gateway event.



editRolePositions: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1197

Edits the positions of a set of roles.




The ID of the guild to edit the role positions in.



The parameters for the edit of the role positions.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.



A collection of DiscordRole objects assorted by role ID.


Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Role Update gateway event for every role impacted in this change.



editScheduledEvent: (guildId, eventId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1217

Edits a scheduled event.




The ID of the guild to edit the scheduled event in.



The ID of the scheduled event to edit.





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordScheduledEvent.


Requires the MANAGE_EVENTS permission.

To start or end an event, modify the event's status property.

The entity_metadata property is discarded for events whose entity_type is not ScheduledEventEntityType.External.

Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Update gateway event.



editStageInstance: (channelId, topic, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1233

Edits a stage instance.




The ID of the stage channel the stage instance is associated with.



Topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters).



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

An instance of the updated DiscordStageInstance.


Requires the user to be a moderator of the stage channel.

Fires a Stage Instance Update event.



editUserApplicationRoleConnection: (bearerToken, applicationId, options) => Promise<{ metadata: {}; platformName: null | string; platformUsername: null | string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1261

Edit the current user application role connection for the application.




The access token of the user



The id of the application to edit the role connection


The options to edit




null | string


null | string


Promise<{ metadata: {}; platformName: null | string; platformUsername: null | string; }>


This requires the role_connections.write scope.



editUserVoiceState: (guildId, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1247

Edits the voice state of another user.




The ID of the guild in which to edit the voice state of the bot user.



The parameters for the edit of the voice state.




The channelId property of the options object parameter must point to a stage channel, and the user must already have joined it.

Requires the MUTE_MEMBERS permission.



editWebhook: (webhookId, options, reason?) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1276

Edits a webhook.




The ID of the webhook to edit.





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.



An instance of the edited DiscordWebhook.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.

Fires a Webhooks Update gateway event.



editWebhookMessage: (webhookId, token, messageId, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1291

Edits a webhook message.




The ID of the webhook to edit the message of.



The webhook token, used to edit the message.



The ID of the message to edit.


InteractionCallbackData & object

The parameters for the edit of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordMessage.


Fires a Message Update gateway event.



editWebhookWithToken: (webhookId, token, options) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1308

Edits a webhook using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions.




The ID of the webhook to edit.



The webhook token, used to edit the webhook.


Omit<ModifyWebhook, "channelId">



An instance of the edited DiscordWebhook.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.

Fires a Webhooks Update gateway event.



editWelcomeScreen: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1324

Edits a guild's welcome screen.




The ID of the guild to edit the welcome screen of.


The parameters for the edit of the welcome screen.


null | string


null | boolean


null | object[]



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordWelcomeScreen.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



editWidgetSettings: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; enabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1339

Edits the settings of a guild's widget.




The ID of the guild to edit the settings of the widget of.


null | string





An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; enabled: boolean; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordGuildWidgetSettings.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



endPoll: (channelId, messageId) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2478

Immediately ends the poll.




The ID of the channel in which the message with the poll lives



The ID of the message in which the poll lives


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

The message with the expired poll


You cannot end polls from other users.

Fires a Message Update gateway event


exchangeToken: (clientId, clientSecret, options) => Promise<{ accessToken: string; expiresIn: number; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; refreshToken: string; scope: string; tokenType: string; webhook: { applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: string; guildId: string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: WebhookTypes; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1411

Exchange the information to get a OAuth2 accessToken token




Application's client id



application's client secret



The options to make the exchange with discord


Promise<{ accessToken: string; expiresIn: number; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; refreshToken: string; scope: string; tokenType: string; webhook: { applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: string; guildId: string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: WebhookTypes; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; }>


executeWebhook: (webhookId, token, options) => Promise<undefined | { activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: ... | ...; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: ... | ...; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ...; customId: ...; defaultValues: ...; disabled: ...; maxValues: ...; minValues: ...; options: ...; placeholder: ...; type: ...; } | { customId: ...; disabled: ...; emoji: ...; label: ...; skuId: ...; style: ...; type: ...; url: ...; } | { customId: ...; label: ...; maxLength: ...; minLength: ...; placeholder: ...; required: ...; style: ...; type: ...; value: ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: ... | ... | ...; id: ... | ...; name: ... | ...; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: ...[]; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1353

Executes a webhook, causing a message to be posted in the channel configured for the webhook.




The ID of the webhook to execute.



The webhook token, used to execute the webhook.



The parameters for the execution of the webhook.


Promise<undefined | { activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: ... | ...; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: ... | ...; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ...; customId: ...; defaultValues: ...; disabled: ...; maxValues: ...; minValues: ...; options: ...; placeholder: ...; type: ...; } | { customId: ...; disabled: ...; emoji: ...; label: ...; skuId: ...; style: ...; type: ...; url: ...; } | { customId: ...; label: ...; maxLength: ...; minLength: ...; placeholder: ...; required: ...; style: ...; type: ...; value: ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: ... | ... | ...; id: ... | ...; name: ... | ...; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: ...[]; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordMessage, or undefined if the wait property of the options object parameter is set to false.


If the webhook channel is a forum channel, you must provide a value for either threadId or threadName.



followAnnouncement: (sourceChannelId, targetChannelId, reason?) => Promise<{ channelId: string; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1369

Follows an announcement channel, allowing messages posted within it to be cross-posted into the target channel.




The ID of the announcement channel to follow.



The ID of the target channel - the channel to cross-post to.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ channelId: string; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordFollowedChannel.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission in the target channel.

Fires a Webhooks Update gateway event.



get: <T>(url, options?) => Promise<Camelize<T>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:122

Make a get request to the api

Type Parameters

T = void





Omit<MakeRequestOptions, "body">




getActiveThreads: (guildId) => Promise<{ members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1383

Gets the list of all active threads for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the threads of.


Promise<{ members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordActiveThreads.


Returns both public and private threads.

Threads are ordered by the id property in descending order.



getApplicationActivityInstance: (applicationId, instanceId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; instanceId: string; launchId: string; location: { channelId: string; guildId: null | string; id: string; kind: DiscordActivityLocationKind; }; users: string[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2658

Returns a serialized activity instance, if it exists. Useful for preventing unwanted activity sessions.




The ID of the application



The ID of the activity instance


Promise<{ applicationId: string; instanceId: string; launchId: string; location: { channelId: string; guildId: null | string; id: string; kind: DiscordActivityLocationKind; }; users: string[]; }>


getApplicationCommandPermission: (guildId, commandId, options?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; guildId: string; id: string; permissions: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1433

Gets the permissions of a guild application command.




The ID of the guild the command is registered in.



The ID of the command to get the permissions of.



The OAuth2 related optional parameters for the endpoint


Promise<{ applicationId: string; guildId: string; id: string; permissions: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions.


Then specifying the options object the access token passed-in requires the OAuth2 scope applications.commands.permissions.update



getApplicationCommandPermissions: (guildId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1446

Gets the permissions of all application commands registered in a guild by the ID of the guild and optionally an external application.




The ID of the guild to get the permissions objects of.



The OAuth2 related optional parameters for the endpoint



A collection of DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions objects assorted by command ID.


Then specifying the options object the access token passed-in requires the OAuth2 scope applications.commands.permissions.update



getApplicationEmoji: (emojiId) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1619

Gets an application emoji by its ID.




The ID of the emoji to get.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordEmoji.


Always includes the user object for the team member that uploaded the emoji from the app's settings, or for the bot user if uploaded using the API.



getApplicationEmojis: () => Promise<{ items: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1642

Gets the list of emojis for an application.


Promise<{ items: object[]; }>

An object with the array of DiscordEmoji objects.


Always includes the user object for the team member that uploaded the emoji from the app's settings, or for the bot user if uploaded using the API.



getApplicationInfo: () => Promise<{ approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1385

Get the applications info


Promise<{ approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }>


getAuditLog: (guildId, options?) => Promise<{ applicationCommands: object[]; auditLogEntries: object[]; autoModerationRules: object[]; guildScheduledEvents: object[]; integrations: object[]; threads: object[]; users: object[]; webhooks: ({ applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: string; guildId: string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: ... | ...; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: ... | ... | ... | ...; createTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; invitable: ... | ... | ...; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: WebhookTypes; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: null | string; guildId: null | string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: ... | ...; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: ... | ... | ... | ...; createTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; invitable: ... | ... | ...; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: Application; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; })[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1459

Gets a guild's audit log.




The ID of the guild to get the audit log of.



The parameters for the fetching of the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationCommands: object[]; auditLogEntries: object[]; autoModerationRules: object[]; guildScheduledEvents: object[]; integrations: object[]; threads: object[]; users: object[]; webhooks: ({ applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: string; guildId: string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: ... | ...; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: ... | ... | ... | ...; createTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; invitable: ... | ... | ...; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: WebhookTypes; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { applicationId: null | string; avatar: null | string; channelId: null | string; guildId: null | string; id: string; name: null | string; sourceChannel: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: ... | ...; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: ... | ... | ... | ...; createTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; invitable: ... | ... | ...; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; sourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: ... | ...; dmSpamDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; invitesDisabledUntil: ... | ...; raidDetectedAt: ... | ... | ...; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: ... | ...; welcomeChannels: ...[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; token: string; type: Application; url: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; })[]; }>

An instance of DiscordAuditLog.


Requires the VIEW_AUDIT_LOG permission.



getAutomodRule: (guildId, ruleId) => Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1472

Gets an automod rule by its ID.




The ID of the guild to get the rule of.



The ID of the rule to get.


Promise<{ actions: object[]; creatorId: string; enabled: boolean; eventType: AutoModerationEventTypes; exemptChannels: string[]; exemptRoles: string[]; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; triggerMetadata: { allowList: string[]; keywordFilter: string[]; mentionRaidProtectionEnabled: boolean; mentionTotalLimit: number; presets: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; regexPatterns: string[]; }; triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes; }>

An instance of DiscordAutoModerationRule.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getAutomodRules: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1484

Gets the list of automod rules for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the rules from.



A collection of DiscordAutoModerationRule objects assorted by rule ID.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getAvailableVoiceRegions: () => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1490

Gets the list of available voice regions.



A collection of DiscordVoiceRegion objects assorted by voice region ID.


getBan: (guildId, userId) => Promise<{ reason: null | string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1503

Gets a ban by user ID.




The ID of the guild to get the ban from.



The ID of the user to get the ban for.


Promise<{ reason: null | string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordBan.


Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.



getBans: (guildId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1518

Gets the list of bans for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of bans for.



The parameters for the fetching of the list of bans.



A collection of DiscordBan objects assorted by user ID.


Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Users are ordered by their IDs in ascending order.



getChannel: (channelId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1530

Gets a channel by its ID.




The ID of the channel to get.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of DiscordChannel.


If the channel is a thread, a DiscordThreadMember object is included in the result.



getChannelInvites: (channelId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1544

Gets the list of invites for a channel.




The ID of the channel to get the invites of.



A collection of DiscordInviteMetadata objects assorted by invite code.


Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

Only usable for guild channels.



getChannels: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1556

Gets the list of channels for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the channels of.



A collection of DiscordChannel objects assorted by channel ID.


Excludes threads.



getChannelWebhooks: (channelId) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1568

Gets a list of webhooks for a channel.




The ID of the channel which to get the webhooks of.



A collection of DiscordWebhook objects assorted by webhook ID.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.



getCurrentAuthenticationInfo: (bearerToken) => Promise<{ application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: ...[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: ...[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; expires: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1403

Get the current authentication info for the authenticated user




Any OAuth2 derived access token


Promise<{ application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: ...[]; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: string; scopes: ...[]; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; expires: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordCurrentAuthorization


The user object is not defined if the scopes do not include identify. In the user object, if defined, the email is not included if the scopes do not include email


getCurrentMember: (guildId, bearerToken) => Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2632

Gets the current member object.




The ID of the guild to get the member object for.



The access token of the user


Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordMemberWithUser.


The access tokens needs the scope



getCurrentUser: (bearerToken) => Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2130

Get the current user data.




The access token of the user


Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>


This requires the identify scope.

To get the mail this also requires the email scope


getDmChannel: (userId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1577

Gets or creates a DM channel with a user.




The ID of the user to create the DM channel with.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of DiscordChannel.



getEmoji: (guildId, emojiId) => Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1607

Gets an emoji by its ID.




The ID of the guild from which to get the emoji.



The ID of the emoji to get.


Promise<{ animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordEmoji.


Includes the user field if the bot has the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission, or if the bot created the emoji and has the the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.



getEmojis: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1631

Gets the list of emojis for a guild.




The ID of the guild which to get the emojis of.



A collection of DiscordEmoji objects assorted by emoji ID.


Includes user fields if the bot has the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.



getEntitlement: (applicationId, entitlementId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; consumed: boolean; deleted: boolean; endsAt: null | string; guildId: string; id: string; skuId: string; startsAt: null | string; type: DiscordEntitlementType; userId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2807

Returns an entitlement.




The id of the application to get the entitlement



The id of the entitlement to get


Promise<{ applicationId: string; consumed: boolean; deleted: boolean; endsAt: null | string; guildId: string; id: string; skuId: string; startsAt: null | string; type: DiscordEntitlementType; userId: string; }>


getFollowupMessage: (token, messageId) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1661

Gets a follow-up message to an interaction by the ID of the message.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The ID of the message to get.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordMessage.


Unlike getMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without:

  • Needing to be able to see the contents of the channel that the message is in. (READ_MESSAGES permission.)
  • Requiring the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent.

Does not support ephemeral follow-up messages due to these being stateless.



getGatewayBot: () => Promise<{ sessionStartLimit: { maxConcurrency: number; remaining: number; resetAfter: number; total: number; }; shards: number; url: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1663

Get the bots Gateway metadata that can help during the operation of large or sharded bots.


Promise<{ sessionStartLimit: { maxConcurrency: number; remaining: number; resetAfter: number; total: number; }; shards: number; url: string; }>


getGlobalApplicationCommand: (commandId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1672

Gets a global application command by its ID.




The ID of the command to get.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of DiscordApplicationCommand.



getGlobalApplicationCommands: () => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1680

Gets the list of your bot's global application commands.



A collection of DiscordApplicationCommand objects assorted by command ID.



getGroupDmChannel: (options) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1593

Create a new group DM channel with multiple users.




The options for create a new group dm


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of DiscordChannel.


The access tokens require to have the gdm.join scope

This endpoint is limited to 10 active group DMs.

Fires a Channel create gateway event.



getGuild: (guildId, options?) => Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1690

Gets a guild by its ID.




The ID of the guild to get.


The parameters for the fetching of the guild.




Promise<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>

An instance of DiscordGuild.



getGuildApplicationCommand: (commandId, guildId) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1715

Gets a guild application command by its ID.




The ID of the command to get.



The ID of the guild the command is registered in.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; contexts: null | DiscordInteractionContextType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: null | string; description: string; descriptionLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; dmPermission: boolean; guildId: string; handler: DiscordInteractionEntryPointCommandHandlerType; id: string; integrationTypes: DiscordApplicationIntegrationType[]; name: string; nameLocalizations: null | { bg: string; cs: string; da: string; de: string; el: string; en-GB: string; en-US: string; es-419: string; es-ES: string; fi: string; fr: string; hi: string; hr: string; hu: string; id: string; it: string; ja: string; ko: string; lt: string; nl: string; no: string; pl: string; pt-BR: string; ro: string; ru: string; sv-SE: string; th: string; tr: string; uk: string; vi: string; zh-CN: string; zh-TW: string; }; nsfw: boolean; options: object[]; type: ApplicationCommandTypes; version: string; }>

An instance of DiscordApplicationCommand.



getGuildApplicationCommands: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1724

Gets the list of application commands registered by your bot in a guild.




The ID of the guild the commands are registered in.



A collection of DiscordApplicationCommand objects assorted by command ID.



getGuildOnboarding: (guildId) => Promise<{ defaultChannelIds: string[]; enabled: boolean; guildId: string; mode: DiscordGuildOnboardingMode; prompts: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2767

Get the guild onboarding




The guild to get the onboarding from


Promise<{ defaultChannelIds: string[]; enabled: boolean; guildId: string; mode: DiscordGuildOnboardingMode; prompts: object[]; }>


getGuildPreview: (guildId) => Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; id: string; name: string; splash: null | string; stickers: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1736

Gets the preview of a guild by a guild's ID.




The ID of the guild to get the preview of.


Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; id: string; name: string; splash: null | string; stickers: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordGuildPreview.


If the bot user is not in the guild, the guild must be discoverable.



getGuilds: (bearerToken?, options?) => Promise<Partial<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1705

Get the user guilds.




The access token of the user, if unspecified the bot token is used instead



The parameters for the fetching of the guild.


Promise<Partial<{ afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }>[]>

An array of partial DiscordGuild.


If used with an access token, the token needs to have the guilds scope



getGuildSoundboardSound: (guildId, soundId) => Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2885

Returns a soundboard sound object for the given sound id.




The guild to get the sounds from



The sound id


Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>


Includes user fields if the bot has the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.


getGuildSticker: (guildId, stickerId) => Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1748

Returns a sticker object for the given guild and sticker IDs.




The ID of the guild to get



The ID of the sticker to get


Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

A DiscordSticker


Includes the user field if the bot has the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.



getGuildStickers: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1759

Returns an array of sticker objects for the given guild.




The ID of the guild to get



A collection of DiscordSticker objects assorted by sticker ID.


Includes user fields if the bot has the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.



getGuildTemplate: (templateCode) => Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1771

Gets a template by its code.




The code of the template to get.


Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

An instance of DiscordTemplate.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getGuildTemplates: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1783

Gets the list of templates for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of templates for.



A collection of DiscordTemplate objects assorted by template code.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getGuildWebhooks: (guildId) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1795

Gets the list of webhooks for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of webhooks for.



A collection of DiscordWebhook objects assorted by webhook ID.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission.



getIntegrations: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1807

Gets the list of integrations attached to a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of integrations from.



A collection of DiscordIntegration objects assorted by integration ID.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getInvite: (inviteCode, options?) => Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; channel: null | { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; code: string; createdAt: string; expiresAt: null | string; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildScheduledEvent: { channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }; inviter: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; maxAge: number; maxUses: number; stageInstance: { members: object[]; participantCount: number; speakerCount: number; topic: string; }; targetApplication: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; targetType: TargetTypes; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; temporary: boolean; type: DiscordInviteType; uses: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1817

Gets an invite to a channel by its invite code.




The invite code of the invite to get.



The parameters for the fetching of the invite.


Promise<{ approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; channel: null | { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; code: string; createdAt: string; expiresAt: null | string; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildScheduledEvent: { channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }; inviter: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; maxAge: number; maxUses: number; stageInstance: { members: object[]; participantCount: number; speakerCount: number; topic: string; }; targetApplication: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; targetType: TargetTypes; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; temporary: boolean; type: DiscordInviteType; uses: number; }>

An instance of DiscordInviteMetadata.



getInvites: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1829

Gets the list of invites for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the invites from.



A collection of DiscordInviteMetadata objects assorted by invite code.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getMember: (guildId, userId) => Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2619

Gets the member object by user ID.




The ID of the guild to get the member object for.



The ID of the user to get the member object for.


Promise<{ avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

An instance of DiscordMemberWithUser.



getMembers: (guildId, options) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2651

Gets the list of members for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of members for.



The parameters for the fetching of the members.



A collection of DiscordMemberWithUser objects assorted by user ID.


Requires the GUILD_MEMBERS intent.

⚠️ It is not recommended to use this endpoint with very large bots. Instead, opt to use fetchMembers(): REST communication only permits 50 requests to be made per second, while gateways allow for up to 120 requests per minute per shard. For more information, read



getMessage: (channelId, messageId) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1845

Gets a message from a channel by the ID of the message.




The ID of the channel from which to get the message.



The ID of the message to get.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordMessage.


Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel in which the message was posted.

If getting a message from a guild channel:

  • Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.



getMessages: (channelId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1861

Gets multiple messages from a channel.




The ID of the channel from which to get the messages.



The parameters for the fetching of the messages.



A collection of DiscordMessage objects assorted by message ID.


Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel in which the messages were posted.

If getting a messages from a guild channel:

  • Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.



getOriginalInteractionResponse: (token) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1893

Gets the initial message response to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordMessage.


Unlike getMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without:

  • Needing to be able to see the contents of the channel that the message is in. (READ_MESSAGES permission.)
  • Requiring the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent.

Does not support ephemeral follow-up messages due to these being stateless.



getOwnVoiceState: (guildId) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; deaf: boolean; guildId: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mute: boolean; requestToSpeakTimestamp: null | string; selfDeaf: boolean; selfMute: boolean; selfStream: boolean; selfVideo: boolean; sessionId: string; suppress: boolean; userId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2058

Returns the current user's voice state in the guild.




The ID of the guild to get the voice state from.


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; deaf: boolean; guildId: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mute: boolean; requestToSpeakTimestamp: null | string; selfDeaf: boolean; selfMute: boolean; selfStream: boolean; selfVideo: boolean; sessionId: string; suppress: boolean; userId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordVoiceState.



getPinnedMessages: (channelId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1908

Gets the pinned messages for a channel.




The ID of the channel to get the pinned messages for.



A collection of DiscordMessage objects assorted by message ID.


Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel in which the messages were posted.

If getting a message from a guild channel:

  • Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.



getPollAnswerVoters: (channelId, messageId, answerId, options?) => Promise<{ users: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2465

Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer.




The ID of the channel in which the message with the poll lives



The ID of the message in which the poll lives



The ID of the answer to get the users that voted that answer



The options for the request


Promise<{ users: object[]; }>

The list of users that voted for the specific answer.


getPrivateArchivedThreads: (channelId, options?) => Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1926

Gets the list of private archived threads for a channel.




The ID of the channel to get the archived threads for.



The parameters for the fetching of threads.


Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordArchivedThreads.


Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission. Requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission.

Returns threads of type ChannelTypes.GuildPrivateThread.

Threads are ordered by the archive_timestamp property included in the metadata of the object in descending order.



getPrivateJoinedArchivedThreads: (channelId, options?) => Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1943

Gets the list of private archived threads the bot is a member of for a channel.




The ID of the channel to get the archived threads for.



The parameters for the fetching of threads.


Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordArchivedThreads.


Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Returns threads of type ChannelTypes.GuildPrivateThread.

Threads are ordered by the id property in descending order.



getPruneCount: (guildId, options?) => Promise<{ pruned: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1956

Gets the number of members that would be kicked from a guild during pruning.




The ID of the guild to get the prune count of.



The parameters for the fetching of the prune count.


Promise<{ pruned: number; }>

A number indicating the number of members that would be kicked.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD and KICK_MEMBERS permissions.



getPublicArchivedThreads: (channelId, options?) => Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1974

Gets the list of public archived threads for a channel.




The ID of the channel to get the archived threads for.



The parameters for the fetching of threads.


Promise<{ hasMore: boolean; members: object[]; threads: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordArchivedThreads.


Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

If called on a channel of type ChannelTypes.GuildText, returns threads of type ChannelTypes.GuildPublicThread. If called on a channel of type ChannelTypes.GuildNews, returns threads of type ChannelTypes.GuildNewsThread.

Threads are ordered by the archive_timestamp property included in the metadata of the object in descending order.



getReactions: (channelId, messageId, reaction, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2111

Gets the list of users that reacted with an emoji to a message.




The ID of the channel the message to get the users for is in.



The ID of the message to get the users for.



The reaction for which to get the users.



The parameters for the fetching of the users.



A collection of DiscordUser objects assorted by user ID.



getRole: (guildId, roleId) => Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1996

Gets a role by id for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get role for.



The ID of the role.


Promise<{ color: number; flags: RoleFlags; hoist: boolean; icon: string; id: string; managed: boolean; mentionable: boolean; name: string; permissions: string; position: number; tags: { availableForPurchase: null; botId: string; guildConnections: null; integrationId: string; premiumSubscriber: null; subscriptionListingId: string; }; unicodeEmoji: string; }>

A DiscordRole object.



getRoles: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1986

Gets the list of roles for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the list of roles for.



A collection of DiscordRole objects assorted by role ID.


⚠️ This endpoint should be used sparingly due to DiscordRole objects already being included in guild payloads.



getScheduledEvent: (guildId, eventId, options?) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2007

Gets a scheduled event by its ID.




The ID of the guild to get the scheduled event from.



The ID of the scheduled event to get.


The parameters for the fetching of the scheduled event.




Promise<{ channelId: null | string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: null | string; description: string; entityId: null | string; entityMetadata: null | { location: string; }; entityType: ScheduledEventEntityType; guildId: string; id: string; image: null | string; name: string; privacyLevel: GuildOnly; recurrenceRule: null | { byMonth: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleMonth[]; byMonthDay: null | number[]; byNWeekday: null | object[]; byWeekday: null | DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleWeekday[]; byYearDay: null | number[]; count: null | number; end: null | string; frequency: DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleFrequency; interval: number; start: string; }; scheduledEndTime: null | string; scheduledStartTime: string; status: ScheduledEventStatus; userCount: number; }>

An instance of DiscordScheduledEvent.



getScheduledEvents: (guildId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2019

Gets the list of scheduled events for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the scheduled events from.



The parameters for the fetching of the scheduled events.



A collection of DiscordScheduledEvent objects assorted by event ID.



getScheduledEventUsers: (guildId, eventId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2035

Gets the list of subscribers to a scheduled event from a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the subscribers to the scheduled event from.



The ID of the scheduled event to get the subscribers of.



The parameters for the fetching of the subscribers.



A collection of DiscordUser objects assorted by user ID.


Requires the MANAGE_EVENTS permission.

Users are ordered by their IDs in ascending order.



getSessionInfo: () => Promise<{ sessionStartLimit: { maxConcurrency: number; remaining: number; resetAfter: number; total: number; }; shards: number; url: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2040

Get the bots Gateway metadata that can help during the operation of large or sharded bots.


Promise<{ sessionStartLimit: { maxConcurrency: number; remaining: number; resetAfter: number; total: number; }; shards: number; url: string; }>


getStageInstance: (channelId) => Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2049

Gets the stage instance associated with a stage channel, if one exists.




The ID of the stage channel the stage instance is associated with.


Promise<{ channelId: string; guildId: string; guildScheduledEventId: string; id: string; topic: string; }>

An instance of DiscordStageInstance.



getSticker: (stickerId) => Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2077

Returns a sticker object for the given sticker ID.




The ID of the sticker to get


Promise<{ available: boolean; description: string; formatType: StickerFormatTypes; guildId: string; id: string; name: string; packId: string; sortValue: number; tags: string; type: StickerTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }>

A DiscordSticker



getStickerPack: (stickerPackId) => Promise<{ bannerAssetId: string; coverStickerId: string; description: string; id: string; name: string; skuId: string; stickers: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1869

Returns a sticker pack for the given ID.





Promise<{ bannerAssetId: string; coverStickerId: string; description: string; id: string; name: string; skuId: string; stickers: object[]; }>

A DiscordStickerPack object.



getStickerPacks: () => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1877

Returns the list of sticker packs available.



A collection of DiscordStickerPack objects assorted by sticker ID.



getSubscription: (skuId, subscriptionId) => Promise<{ canceledAt: null | string; country: string; currentPeriodEnd: string; currentPeriodStart: string; entitlementIds: string[]; id: string; renewalSkuIds: null | string[]; skuIds: string[]; status: DiscordSubscriptionStatus; userId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2850

Get a subscription by its ID.




The id of the sku of get the subscriptions for




Promise<{ canceledAt: null | string; country: string; currentPeriodEnd: string; currentPeriodStart: string; entitlementIds: string[]; id: string; renewalSkuIds: null | string[]; skuIds: string[]; status: DiscordSubscriptionStatus; userId: string; }>


getThreadMember: (channelId, userId) => Promise<{ flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2087

Gets a thread member by their user ID.




The ID of the thread to get the thread member of.



The user ID of the thread member to get.


Promise<{ flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordThreadMember.



getThreadMembers: (channelId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2099

Gets the list of thread members for a thread.




The ID of the thread to get the thread members of.



A collection of DiscordThreadMember assorted by user ID.


Requires the application to have the GUILD_MEMBERS privileged intent enabled.



getUser: (id) => Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2118

Get a user's data from the api




The user's id


Promise<{ accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }>


getUserApplicationRoleConnection: (bearerToken, applicationId) => Promise<{ metadata: {}; platformName: null | string; platformUsername: null | string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2153

Get the current user application role connection for the application.




The access token of the user



The id of the application to get the role connection


Promise<{ metadata: {}; platformName: null | string; platformUsername: null | string; }>


The access token requires the role_connections.write scope.



getUserConnections: (bearerToken) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2140

Get the current user connections.




The access token of the user




This requires the connections scope.


getUserVoiceState: (guildId, userId) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; deaf: boolean; guildId: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mute: boolean; requestToSpeakTimestamp: null | string; selfDeaf: boolean; selfMute: boolean; selfStream: boolean; selfVideo: boolean; sessionId: string; suppress: boolean; userId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2068

Returns the specified user's voice state in the guild.




The ID of the guild to get the voice state from.



The ID of the user to get the voice state from


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; deaf: boolean; guildId: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mute: boolean; requestToSpeakTimestamp: null | string; selfDeaf: boolean; selfMute: boolean; selfStream: boolean; selfVideo: boolean; sessionId: string; suppress: boolean; userId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordVoiceState.



getVanityUrl: (guildId) => Promise<{ code: null | string; uses: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2167

Gets information about the vanity url of a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the vanity url information for.


Promise<{ code: null | string; uses: number; }>

An instance of DiscordVanityUrl.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

The code property will be null if the guild does not have a set vanity url.



getVoiceRegions: (guildId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2176

Gets the list of voice regions for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the voice regions for.



A collection of DiscordVoiceRegion objects assorted by voice region ID.



getWebhook: (webhookId) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2188

Gets a webhook by its ID.




The ID of the webhook to get.



An instance of DiscordWebhook.


Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission unless the application making the request owns the webhook.



getWebhookMessage: (webhookId, token, messageId, options?) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2200

Gets a webhook message by its ID.




The ID of the webhook to get a message of.



The webhook token, used to get webhook messages.



the ID of the webhook message to get.



The parameters for the fetching of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of DiscordMessage.



getWebhookWithToken: (webhookId, token) => Promise<Camelize<DiscordWebhook>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2210

Gets a webhook using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions.




The ID of the webhook to get.



The webhook token, used to get the webhook.



An instance of DiscordWebhook.



getWelcomeScreen: (guildId) => Promise<{ description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2223

Gets the welcome screen for a guild.




The ID of the guild to get the welcome screen for.


Promise<{ description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }>

An instance of DiscordWelcomeScreen.


If the welcome screen is not enabled:

  • Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



getWidget: (guildId) => Promise<{ channels: object[]; id: string; instantInvite: string; members: object[]; name: string; presenceCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2235

Gets the guild widget by guild ID.




The ID of the guild to get the widget of.


Promise<{ channels: object[]; id: string; instantInvite: string; members: object[]; name: string; presenceCount: number; }>

An instance of DiscordGuildWidget.


Fires an INVITE_CREATED Gateway event when an invite channel is defined and a new Invite is generated.



getWidgetSettings: (guildId) => Promise<{ channelId: null | string; enabled: boolean; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2247

Gets the settings of a guild's widget.




The ID of the guild to get the widget of.


Promise<{ channelId: null | string; enabled: boolean; }>

An instance of DiscordGuildWidgetSettings.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.



globallyRateLimited: boolean

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:83

Whether or not the manager is rate limited globally across all requests. Defaults to false.


invalidBucket: InvalidRequestBucket

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:93

The bucket for handling any invalid requests.


isProxied: boolean

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:73

true if the baseUrl does not start with

Mostly used only for intern functions.


joinThread: (channelId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2260

Adds the bot user to a thread.




The ID of the thread to add the bot user to.




Requires the thread not be archived.

Fires a Thread Members Update gateway event.



kickMember: (guildId, userId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2674

Kicks a member from a guild.




The ID of the guild to kick the member from.



The user ID of the member to kick from the guild.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission.

Fires a Guild Member Remove gateway event.



leaveGuild: (guildId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2271

Leaves a guild.




The ID of the guild to leave.




Fires a Guild Delete event.



leaveThread: (channelId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2284

Removes the bot user from a thread.




The ID of the thread to remove the bot user from.




Requires the thread not be archived.

Fires a Thread Members Update gateway event.



listApplicationRoleConnectionsMetadataRecords: (applicationId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2934

Returns a list of application role connection metadata objects for the given application.




The application to get the role connections from



A list of application role connection metadata objects


listDefaultSoundboardSounds: () => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2864

Returns an array of soundboard sound objects that can be used by all users.




listEntitlements: (applicationId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2800

Returns all entitlements for a given app, active and expired.




The id of the application to get the entitlements



The optional query params for the endpoint




listGuildSoundboardSounds: (guildId) => Promise<{ items: object[]; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2873

Returns a list of the guild's soundboard sounds.




The guild to get the sounds from


Promise<{ items: object[]; }>


Includes user fields if the bot has the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.


listSkus: (applicationId) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2838

Returns all SKUs for a given application




The id of the application to get the SKUs




listSubscriptions: (skuId, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2844

Returns all subscriptions containing the SKU, filtered by user.




The id of the sku of get the subscriptions for






logger: Pick<{ debug: (...args) => void; error: (...args) => void; fatal: (...args) => void; info: (...args) => void; log: (level, ...args) => void; setLevel: (level) => void; warn: (...args) => void; }, "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal">

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:97

The logger to use for the rest manager


makeRequest: <T>(method, url, options?) => Promise<T>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:118

Make a request to be sent to the api.

Type Parameters

T = unknown











maxRetryCount: number

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:81

The maximum amount of times a request should be retried. Defaults to Infinity


modifyGuildIncidentActions: (guildId, options) => Promise<{ dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2793

Modifies the incident actions of the guild.




The guild to edit the incident actions from



The options for the incident actions


Promise<{ dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }>


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.


modifyGuildSoundboardSound: (guildId, soundId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2913

Modify the given soundboard sound.




The guild to create the sounds in



The sound id to update



The options to update the sound



The audit log reason


Promise<{ available: boolean; emojiId: null | string; emojiName: null | string; guildId: string; name: string; soundId: string; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; volume: number; }>


Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Update Gateway event.

For sounds created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other sounds, requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission.


patch: <T>(url, options?) => Promise<Camelize<T>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:130

Make a patch request to the api.

Type Parameters

T = void









pinMessage: (channelId, messageId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2693

Pins a message in a channel.




The ID of the channel where the message is to be pinned.



The ID of the message to pin.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel in which the messages were posted.

Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

⚠️ There can only be at max 50 messages pinned in a channel.

Fires a Channel Pins Update event.



post: <T>(url, options?) => Promise<Camelize<T>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:124

Make a post request to the api.

Type Parameters

T = void









preferSnakeCase: (enabled) => RestManager

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:101

Whether or not the rest manager should keep objects in raw snake case from discord.







processHeaders: (url, headers, identifier) => undefined | string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:112

Processes the rate limit headers and determines if it needs to be rate limited and returns the bucket id if available









undefined | string


processingRateLimitedPaths: boolean

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:85

Whether or not the rate limited paths are being processed to allow requests to be made once time is up. Defaults to false.


processRateLimitedPaths: () => void

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:110

This will create a infinite loop running in 1 seconds using tail recursion to keep rate limits clean. When a rate limit resets, this will remove it so the queue can proceed.




processRequest: (request) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:120

Takes a request and processes it into a queue.







pruneMembers: (guildId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ pruned: null | number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2714

Initiates the process of pruning inactive members.




The ID of the guild to prune the members of.



The parameters for the pruning of members.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ pruned: null | number; }>

A number indicating how many members were pruned.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD and KICK_MEMBERS permissions.

❗ Requests to this endpoint will time out for large guilds. To prevent this from happening, set the BeginGuildPrune.computePruneCount property of the options object parameter to false. This will begin the process of pruning, and immediately return undefined, rather than wait for the process to complete before returning the actual count of members that have been kicked.

⚠️ By default, this process will not remove members with a role. To include the members who have a particular subset of roles, specify the role(s) in the includeRoles property of the options object parameter.

Fires a Guild Member Remove gateway event for every member kicked.



publishMessage: (channelId, messageId) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2302

Cross-posts a message posted in an announcement channel to subscribed channels.




The ID of the announcement channel.



The ID of the message to cross-post.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the cross-posted DiscordMessage.


Requires the SEND_MESSAGES permission.

If not cross-posting own message:

  • Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Message Create event in the guilds the subscribed channels are in.



put: <T>(url, options?) => Promise<Camelize<T>>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:126

Make a put request to the api.

Type Parameters

T = void









queues: Map<string, Queue>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:89

The queues that hold all the requests to be processed.


rateLimitedPaths: Map<string, RestRateLimitedPath>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:91

The paths that are currently rate limited.


removeDmRecipient: (channelId, userId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2344

Removes a member from a Group DM.




The ID of the channel to remove the recipient user of.



The user ID of the user to remove.





removeRole: (guildId, userId, roleId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2318

Removes a role from a member.




The ID of the guild the member to remove the role from is in.



The user ID of the member to remove the role from.



The ID of the role to remove from the member.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission.

Fires a Guild Member Update gateway event.



removeThreadMember: (channelId, userId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2335

Removes a member from a thread.




The ID of the thread to remove the thread member of.



The user ID of the thread member to remove.




If the thread is of type ChannelTypes.GuildPrivateThread, requires to be the creator of the thread. Otherwise, requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission.

Requires the thread not be archived.

Fires a Thread Members Update gateway event.



revokeToken: (clientId, clientSecret, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:1419

Revoke an access_token




Application's client id



application's client secret


The options to revoke the access_token




"access_token" | "refresh_token"




routes: RestRoutes

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:95

The routes that are available for this manager.


searchMembers: (guildId, query, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2728

Gets the list of members whose usernames or nicknames start with a provided string.




The ID of the guild to search in.



The string to match usernames or nicknames against.


Omit<SearchMembers, "query">

The parameters for searching through the members.



A collection of DiscordMember objects assorted by user ID.



sendFollowupMessage: (token, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2395

Sends a follow-up message to an interaction.




The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The parameters for the creation of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordMessage.


⚠️ Interaction tokens are only valid for 15 minutes.

By default, mentions are suppressed. To enable mentions, pass a mention object with the callback data.

Unlike sendMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without:

  • Needing to be able to see the contents of the channel that the message is in. (READ_MESSAGES permission.)
  • Requiring the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent.

Apps are limited to 5 followup messages per interaction if it was initiated from a user-installed app and isn't installed in the server You can check if it was initiated from a user-installed app that isn't installed in the server by checking if authorizingIntegrationOwners only contains UserInstall.

Fires a Message Create event.



sendInteractionResponse: (interactionId, token, options, params?) => Promise<void | { interaction: { activityInstanceId: string; id: string; responseMessageEphemeral: boolean; responseMessageId: string; responseMessageLoading: boolean; type: InteractionTypes; }; resource: { activityInstance: { id: string; }; message: { activity: { partyId: ... | ...; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: ... | ...; approximateUserInstallCount: ... | ...; bot: ... | ...; botPublic: ... | ... | ...; botRequireCodeGrant: ... | ... | ...; coverImage: ... | ...; customInstallUrl: ... | ...; description: ... | ...; eventWebhooksStatus: ... | ...; eventWebhooksTypes: ... | ...; eventWebhooksUrl: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; guild: ... | ...; guildId: ... | ...; icon: ... | ... | ...; id: ... | ...; installParams: ... | ...; integrationTypesConfig: ... | ...; interactionsEndpointUrl: ... | ... | ...; name: ... | ...; owner: ... | ...; primarySkuId: ... | ...; privacyPolicyUrl: ... | ...; redirectUris: ... | ...; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: ... | ... | ...; rpcOrigins: ... | ...; slug: ... | ...; tags: ... | ...; team: ... | ... | ...; termsOfServiceUrl: ... | ...; verifyKey: ... | ...; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: ...[]; }; channelId: string; components: (... | ... | ... | ...)[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: ... | ...; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; targetMessageId: ... | ...; targetUser: ... | ...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: ... | ...; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; member: { avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; communicationDisabledUntil: ... | ... | ...; deaf: ... | ... | ...; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: ... | ... | ...; nick: ... | ... | ...; pending: ... | ... | ...; permissions: ... | ...; premiumSince: ... | ... | ...; roles: ...[]; user: ... | ...; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: ... | ...; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: ... | ...; messageId: ... | ...; type: ... | ...; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: ...[]; expiry: ... | ...; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: ...; text: ...; }; results: ... | ...; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: ... | ...; appliedTags: ... | ...; availableTags: ... | ...; bitrate: ... | ...; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: ... | ...; defaultForumLayout: ... | ...; defaultReactionEmoji: ... | ... | ...; defaultSortOrder: ... | ... | ...; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; guildId: ... | ...; icon: ... | ...; id: string; lastMessageId: ... | ... | ...; lastPinTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; managed: ... | ... | ...; member: { flags: ...; id: ...; joinTimestamp: ...; userId: ...; }; memberCount: ... | ...; messageCount: ... | ...; name: ... | ...; newlyCreated: ... | ... | ...; nsfw: ... | ... | ...; ownerId: ... | ...; parentId: ... | ... | ...; permissionOverwrites: ... | ...; permissions: ... | ...; position: ... | ...; rateLimitPerUser: ... | ...; recipients: ... | ...; rtcRegion: ... | ... | ...; threadMetadata: ... | ...; topic: ... | ... | ...; totalMessageSent: ... | ...; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: ... | ...; videoQualityMode: ... | ...; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }; type: InteractionResponseTypes; }; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2418

Sends a response to an interaction.




The ID of the interaction to respond to.



The interaction token to use, provided in the original interaction.



The parameters for the creation of the message.



The query parameters for the response of the callback


Promise<void | { interaction: { activityInstanceId: string; id: string; responseMessageEphemeral: boolean; responseMessageId: string; responseMessageLoading: boolean; type: InteractionTypes; }; resource: { activityInstance: { id: string; }; message: { activity: { partyId: ... | ...; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: ... | ...; approximateUserInstallCount: ... | ...; bot: ... | ...; botPublic: ... | ... | ...; botRequireCodeGrant: ... | ... | ...; coverImage: ... | ...; customInstallUrl: ... | ...; description: ... | ...; eventWebhooksStatus: ... | ...; eventWebhooksTypes: ... | ...; eventWebhooksUrl: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; guild: ... | ...; guildId: ... | ...; icon: ... | ... | ...; id: ... | ...; installParams: ... | ...; integrationTypesConfig: ... | ...; interactionsEndpointUrl: ... | ... | ...; name: ... | ...; owner: ... | ...; primarySkuId: ... | ...; privacyPolicyUrl: ... | ...; redirectUris: ... | ...; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: ... | ... | ...; rpcOrigins: ... | ...; slug: ... | ...; tags: ... | ...; team: ... | ... | ...; termsOfServiceUrl: ... | ...; verifyKey: ... | ...; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: ...[]; }; channelId: string; components: (... | ... | ... | ...)[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: ... | ...; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; targetMessageId: ... | ...; targetUser: ... | ...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: ... | ...; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: ... | ...; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: ...; avatar: ...; avatarDecorationData: ...; banner: ...; bot: ...; discriminator: ...; email: ...; flags: ...; globalName: ...; id: ...; locale: ...; mfaEnabled: ...; premiumType: ...; publicFlags: ...; system: ...; username: ...; verified: ...; }; }; member: { avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; communicationDisabledUntil: ... | ... | ...; deaf: ... | ... | ...; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: ... | ... | ...; nick: ... | ... | ...; pending: ... | ... | ...; permissions: ... | ...; premiumSince: ... | ... | ...; roles: ...[]; user: ... | ...; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: ... | ...; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: ... | ...; messageId: ... | ...; type: ... | ...; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: ...[]; expiry: ... | ...; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: ...; text: ...; }; results: ... | ...; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: ... | ...; appliedTags: ... | ...; availableTags: ... | ...; bitrate: ... | ...; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: ... | ...; defaultForumLayout: ... | ...; defaultReactionEmoji: ... | ... | ...; defaultSortOrder: ... | ... | ...; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; guildId: ... | ...; icon: ... | ...; id: string; lastMessageId: ... | ... | ...; lastPinTimestamp: ... | ... | ...; managed: ... | ... | ...; member: { flags: ...; id: ...; joinTimestamp: ...; userId: ...; }; memberCount: ... | ...; messageCount: ... | ...; name: ... | ...; newlyCreated: ... | ... | ...; nsfw: ... | ... | ...; ownerId: ... | ...; parentId: ... | ... | ...; permissionOverwrites: ... | ...; permissions: ... | ...; position: ... | ...; rateLimitPerUser: ... | ...; recipients: ... | ...; rtcRegion: ... | ... | ...; threadMetadata: ... | ...; topic: ... | ... | ...; totalMessageSent: ... | ...; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: ... | ...; videoQualityMode: ... | ...; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }; type: InteractionResponseTypes; }; }>

Nothing or the DiscordInteractionCallbackResponse if withResponse param is true


⚠️ Interaction tokens are only valid for 15 minutes.

By default, mentions are suppressed. To enable mentions, pass a mention object with the callback data.

Unlike sendMessage(), this endpoint allows the bot user to act without:

  • Needing to be able to see the contents of the channel that the message is in. (READ_MESSAGES permission.)
  • Requiring the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent.

Fires a Message Create event.



sendMessage: (channelId, options) => Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2371

Sends a message to a channel.




The ID of the channel to send the message in.



The parameters for the creation of the message.


Promise<{ activity: { partyId: string; type: MessageActivityTypes; }; application: { approximateGuildCount: number; approximateUserInstallCount: number; bot: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; botPublic: boolean; botRequireCodeGrant: boolean; coverImage: string; customInstallUrl: string; description: string; eventWebhooksStatus: DiscordApplicationEventWebhookStatus; eventWebhooksTypes: DiscordWebhookEventType[]; eventWebhooksUrl: null | string; flags: ApplicationFlags; guild: { afkChannelId: null | string; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | string; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; guildId: string; icon: null | string; id: string; installParams: { permissions: string; scopes: OAuth2Scope[]; }; integrationTypesConfig: { 0: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; 1: { oauth2InstallParams: { permissions: ...; scopes: ...; }; }; }; interactionsEndpointUrl: null | string; name: string; owner: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; primarySkuId: string; privacyPolicyUrl: string; redirectUris: string[]; roleConnectionsVerificationUrl: null | string; rpcOrigins: string[]; slug: string; tags: string[]; team: null | { icon: null | string; id: string; members: object[]; name: string; ownerUserId: string; }; termsOfServiceUrl: string; verifyKey: string; }; applicationId: string; attachments: object[]; author: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; call: { endedTimestamp: string; participants: string[]; }; channelId: string; components: ({ components: ({ channelTypes: ... | ...; customId: string; defaultValues: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; maxValues: ... | ...; minValues: ... | ...; options: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; type: ... | ... | ... | ... | ...; } | { customId: ... | ...; disabled: ... | ... | ...; emoji: ... | ...; label: ... | ...; skuId: ... | ...; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: ... | ...; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: ... | ...; minLength: ... | ...; placeholder: ... | ...; required: ... | ... | ...; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: ... | ...; })[]; type: ActionRow; } | { channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]; customId: string; defaultValues: object[]; disabled: boolean; maxValues: number; minValues: number; options: object[]; placeholder: string; type: SelectMenu | SelectMenuUsers | SelectMenuRoles | SelectMenuUsersAndRoles | SelectMenuChannels; } | { customId: string; disabled: boolean; emoji: { animated: boolean; id: string; name: string; }; label: string; skuId: string; style: ButtonStyles; type: Button; url: string; } | { customId: string; label: string; maxLength: number; minLength: number; placeholder: string; required: boolean; style: TextStyles; type: InputText; value: string; })[]; content: string; editedTimestamp: null | string; embeds: object[]; flags: MessageFlags; guildId: string; id: string; interaction: { id: string; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: ...; skuId: ...; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; name: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; interactionMetadata: { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; targetMessageId: string; targetUser: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; interactedMessageId: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; } | { authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; id: string; originalResponseMessageId: string; triggeringInteractionMetadata: { id: string; type: InteractionTypes; user: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; authorizingIntegrationOwners: {}; originalResponseMessageId?: st...; type: InteractionTypes; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; member: { avatar: string; avatarDecorationData: null | { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; communicationDisabledUntil: null | string; deaf: boolean; flags: number; joinedAt: string; mute: boolean; nick: null | string; pending: boolean; permissions: string; premiumSince: null | string; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; }; mentionChannels: object[]; mentionEveryone: boolean; mentionRoles: string[]; mentions: object[]; messageReference: { channelId: string; failIfNotExists: boolean; guildId: string; messageId: string; type: DiscordMessageReferenceType; }; messageSnapshots: object[]; nonce: string | number; pinned: boolean; poll: { allowMultiselect: boolean; answers: object[]; expiry: null | string; layoutType: Default; question: { emoji: { animated: boolean; available: boolean; id: string; managed: boolean; name: string; requireColons: boolean; roles: string[]; user: { accentColor: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ...; avatarDecorationData: ... | ...; banner: ... | ...; bot: ... | ... | ...; discriminator: string; email: ... | ... | ...; flags: ... | ...; globalName: ... | ...; id: string; locale: ... | ...; mfaEnabled: ... | ... | ...; premiumType: ... | ...; publicFlags: ... | ...; system: ... | ... | ...; username: string; verified: ... | ... | ...; }; }; text: string; }; results: { answerCounts: object[]; isFinalized: boolean; }; }; position: number; reactions: object[]; referencedMessage: { id: string; channelId: string; guildId?: string | undefined; author: { username: string; globalName: string | null; locale?: string | undefined; flags?: number | undefined; premiumType?: PremiumTypes | undefined; ... 11 more ...; avatarDecorationData?: { ...; } | undefined; }; ... 31 more ...; call?: { ...; } | un...; stickerItems: object[]; stickers: object[]; thread: { applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }; timestamp: string; tts: boolean; type: MessageTypes; webhookId: string; }>

An instance of the created DiscordMessage.


Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel the message is to be sent in.

If sending a message to a guild channel:

  • Requires the SEND_MESSAGES permission.

If sending a TTS message:

  • Requires the SEND_TTS_MESSAGES permission.

If sending a message as a reply to another message:

  • Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.
  • The message being replied to cannot be a system message.

⚠️ The maximum size of a request (accounting for any attachments and message content) for bot users is 8 MiB.

Fires a Message Create gateway event.



sendRequest: (options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:114

Sends a request to the api.







sendSoundboardSound: (channelId, options) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2862

Send a soundboard sound to a voice channel the user is connected to.




The id of the voice channel






Fires a Voice Channel Effect Send Gateway event.

Requires the SPEAK and USE_SOUNDBOARD permissions, and also the USE_EXTERNAL_SOUNDS permission if the sound is from a different server. Additionally, requires the user to be connected to the voice channel, having a voice state without deaf, self_deaf, mute, or suppress enabled.


simplifyUrl: (url, method) => string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:116

Split a url to separate rate limit buckets based on major/minor parameters.









startThreadWithMessage: (channelId, messageId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2439

Creates a thread, using an existing message as its point of origin.




The ID of the channel in which to create the thread.



The ID of the message to use as the thread's point of origin.



The parameters to use for the creation of the thread.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of the created DiscordChannel.


If called on a channel of type ChannelTypes.GuildText, creates a ChannelTypes.GuildPublicThread. If called on a channel of type ChannelTypes.GuildNews, creates a ChannelTypes.GuildNewsThread. Does not work on channels of type ChannelTypes.GuildForum.

The ID of the created thread will be the same as the ID of the source message.

Fires a Thread Create gateway event.



startThreadWithoutMessage: (channelId, options, reason?) => Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2455

Creates a thread without using a message as the thread's point of origin.




The ID of the channel in which to create the thread.



The parameters to use for the creation of the thread.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.


Promise<{ applicationId: string; appliedTags: string[]; availableTags: object[]; bitrate: number; defaultAutoArchiveDuration: number; defaultForumLayout: ForumLayout; defaultReactionEmoji: null | { emojiId: string; emojiName: null | string; }; defaultSortOrder: null | SortOrderTypes; defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser: number; flags: ChannelFlags; guildId: string; icon: string; id: string; lastMessageId: null | string; lastPinTimestamp: null | string; managed: boolean; member: { flags: number; id: string; joinTimestamp: string; userId: string; }; memberCount: number; messageCount: number; name: string; newlyCreated: boolean; nsfw: boolean; ownerId: string; parentId: null | string; permissionOverwrites: object[]; permissions: string; position: number; rateLimitPerUser: number; recipients: object[]; rtcRegion: null | string; threadMetadata: { archived: boolean; archiveTimestamp: string; autoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080; createTimestamp: null | string; invitable: boolean; locked: boolean; }; topic: null | string; totalMessageSent: number; type: ChannelTypes; userLimit: number; videoQualityMode: VideoQualityModes; }>

An instance of the created Thread.


Creating a private thread requires the server to be boosted.

Fires a Thread Create gateway event.



syncGuildTemplate: (guildId) => Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2492

Synchronises a template with the current state of a guild.




The ID of the guild to synchronise a template of.


Promise<{ code: string; createdAt: string; creator: { accentColor: number; avatar: null | string; avatarDecorationData: { asset: string; skuId: string; }; banner: string; bot: boolean; discriminator: string; email: null | string; flags: number; globalName: null | string; id: string; locale: string; mfaEnabled: boolean; premiumType: PremiumTypes; publicFlags: number; system: boolean; username: string; verified: boolean; }; creatorId: string; description: null | string; isDirty: null | boolean; name: string; serializedSourceGuild: { afkChannelId: null | number; afkTimeout: number; applicationId: null | string; approximateMemberCount: number; approximatePresenceCount: number; banner: null | string; channels: object[]; defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels; description: null | string; discoverySplash: null | string; emojis: object[]; explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels; features: GuildFeatures[]; icon: null | string; iconHash: null | string; id: string; incidentsData: { dmsDisabledUntil: null | string; dmSpamDetectedAt: null | string; invitesDisabledUntil: null | string; raidDetectedAt: null | string; }; joinedAt: string; large: boolean; maxMembers: number; maxPresences: null | number; maxStageVideoChannelUsers: number; maxVideoChannelUsers: number; memberCount: number; members: object[]; mfaLevel: MfaLevels; name: string; nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel; owner: boolean; ownerId: string; permissions: string; preferredLocale: string; premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean; premiumSubscriptionCount: number; premiumTier: PremiumTiers; presences: object[]; publicUpdatesChannelId: null | string; roles: object[]; rulesChannelId: null | string; safetyAlertsChannelId: null | string; soundboardSounds: object[]; splash: null | string; stageInstances: object[]; stickers: object[]; systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags; systemChannelId: null | number; threads: object[]; unavailable: boolean; vanityUrlCode: null | string; verificationLevel: VerificationLevels; voiceStates: object[]; welcomeScreen: { description: null | string; welcomeChannels: object[]; }; widgetChannelId: null | string; widgetEnabled: boolean; }; sourceGuildId: string; updatedAt: string; usageCount: number; }>

An instance of the edited DiscordTemplate.


Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Fires a Guild Update gateway event.



token: string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:57

The bot token which will be used to make requests.


triggerTypingIndicator: (channelId) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2507

Triggers a typing indicator for the specified channel, which expires after 10 seconds.




The ID of the channel in which to trigger the typing indicator.




Generally bots should not use this route. However, if a bot is responding to a command and expects the computation to take a few seconds, this endpoint may be called to let the user know that the bot is processing their message.

Fires a Typing Start gateway event.



unbanMember: (guildId, userId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2744

Unbans a user from a guild.




The ID of the guild to unban the user in.



The ID of the user to unban.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Fires a Guild Ban Remove gateway event.



unpinMessage: (channelId, messageId, reason?) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2761

Unpins a pinned message in a channel.




The ID of the channel where the message is pinned.



The ID of the message to unpin.



An optional reason for the action, to be included in the audit log.




Requires that the bot user be able to see the contents of the channel in which the messages were posted.

Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

Fires a Channel Pins Update event.



updateApplicationRoleConnectionsMetadataRecords: (applicationId, options) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2945

Updates and returns a list of application role connection metadata objects for the given application.




The application to get the role connections from



The options to update the role connections



A list of application role connection metadata objects


An application can have a maximum of 5 metadata records.


optional updateBearerTokenEndpoint: string

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:79

The endpoint to use for updateTokenQueues when working with a rest proxy


updateTokenQueues: (oldToken, newToken) => Promise<void>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:104









upsertGlobalApplicationCommands: (commands, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2525

Re-registers the list of global application commands, overwriting the previous commands completely.




The list of commands to use to overwrite the previous list.



Additional options for the endpoint.



A collection of DiscordApplicationCommand objects assorted by command ID.


❗ Commands that are not present in the commands array will be deleted.

⚠️ Commands that do not already exist will count towards the daily limit of 200 new commands.

When using the bearer token the token needs the applications.commands.update scope and must be a Client grant token. You will be able to update only your own application commands



upsertGuildApplicationCommands: (guildId, commands, options?) => Promise<object[]>

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:2544

Re-registers the list of application commands registered in a guild, overwriting the previous commands completely.




The ID of the guild whose list of commands to overwrite.



The list of commands to use to overwrite the previous list.



Additional options for the endpoint.



A collection of DiscordApplicationCommand objects assorted by command ID.


❗ Commands that are not present in the commands array will be deleted.

⚠️ Commands that do not already exist will count towards the daily limit of 200 new commands.

When using the bearer token the token needs the applications.commands.update scope and must be a Client grant token. You will be able to update only your own application commands



version: ApiVersions

Defined in: packages/rest/dist/types/types.d.ts:61

The api version to use when making requests. Only the latest supported version will be tested.