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Getting Started

Discordeno aims for a simple, easy and stress-free interaction with the Discord API. Always supporting the latest version to ensure stability, consistency and the best developer experience. This guide serves as the purpose for introducing Discordeno to developers.


  • Deno 1.0 or higher

Creating your First Discord Bot Application

Plenty of guides are available on how to create a Discord Bot Application.

  1. Creating an Application on the Developer Portal, name something cool and pick a sweet icon!
  2. After creating an application. Save the Client ID. Thats the unique identifier for a Discord Bot.
  3. Now, go and create a bot by clicking the Bot tab. You will see a Token section and thats the Discord Bot's token. Make sure you don't share that token with anyone!!!
  4. Invite the bot to the server, you can use the Discord Permissions Calculator for creating the invite link with custom permissions. By default, 0 means no permissions and 8 means Administrator.

Now you've created an Application but it will need some code in order for it to be online. Thats when Discordeno comes in handy!

Make sure you store your tokens in a file that is NOT deployed by adding it to the .gitignore file. Don't share your bot token with anybody.


You can install Discordeno by importing:

import { startBot } from ''

Example Usage

Starting with Discordeno is very simple, you can start from scratch without any templates/frameworks: Add this snippet of code into a new TypeScript file:

import {
} from ''

token: 'BOT TOKEN',
intents: Intents.Guilds | Intents.GuildMessages,
events: {
ready() {
console.log('Successfully connected to gateway')
messageCreate(bot, message) {
if (message.content === '!ping') {
bot.helpers.sendMessage(message.channelId, {
content: 'Pong using Discordeno!',


Below you will find youtube playlists that display channels using Discordeno for their tutorials.